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Every Smile Makes You a Day Younger :: Whitening Sensitive Teeth at Home

Home Teeth Whitening

With my children still so young, coffee has become an everyday essential to my survival. I must also admit to another vice, which is my evening wine to settle down after a long day of work, school, cooking, cleaning and everything else that goes with being a wife, student, mom and blogger. With all of these responsibilities, self-care can easily be put on the back burner.

When I discovered Smile Brilliant teeth whitening trays, I figured I would give it a try. Why not?! I wasn’t quite sure how I would find the time to complete the process, but it ended up being much easier and more effective than I expected.

First, Smile Brilliant sends you a kit, which includes trays with molding clay and careful instructions on how to create a mold of your upper and lower teeth. Then you send these molds back to them (return shipping label included), and they process your molds and send back perfect fitting, clear custom fitted whitening trays for your teeth! 

These trays are surprisingly comfortable if you do this process correctly. If they do not come back fitting perfectly, you have the opportunity to try again. The set includes the whitening gel and desensitizing gel to use after. The instructions are very simple:

First, brush your teeth with plain water. Add the whitening gel in a thin line inside the trays for both the upper and lower teeth. Place the trays comfortably in your mount, and let them sit for anywhere from 45 minutes to three hours, depending on your teeth’s sensitivity.

My teeth are extremely sensitive, and I have never been able to handle at-home whitening kits due to that sensitivity. With Smile Brilliant, I was able to customize my experience to what worked best for me. I kept the whitening gel on for no longer for 45 minutes and only used it every other day. I would also keep the desensitizing gel on longer when my teeth were feeling  more sensitive. While this prolongued the results, I did not mind, since the results are still noticeable to me and to others.

Just check out my results:



I am so excited to have teamed up with Smile Brilliant to give one lucky follower a $149 CREDIT FOR A TEETH WHITENING KIT!! The winner will be selected and contacted via email 2 weeks after thIS post is live! Giveaway is to USA, UK, Canada, and Australia.



You can also use my code theheartofdani for 10% off your purchase of  from Smile Brilliant at checkout!

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