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Shayne Turns 10 Months!

Shayne has had a pretty exciting month. She traveled to Tucson again to see her Great-Grandmother, her Auntie Nicole and to celebrate her soon to be here baby cousin! She was the hit of everywhere we went. She was even able to sit through long lunches out at restaurants, as long as she had some food in front of her.

She was a wonderful travel companion, even on the airplane when we had to change planes each way.

She is absolutely OBSESSED with animals! Large dogs in particular! She gets so excited and waves her arms around, bounces up and down and starts squealing with delight! She has even said, “dog”. It is like nothing I have ever seen before. It might possibly be the cutest thing EVER! She is excited around almost all fluffy animals, but big dogs that wag their tails and lick her face make her the most happy.

Shayne also had her very first Easter this month. She was so cute in her first Easter outfit, and had so much fun watching the big kids hunt for Easter eggs. She even sat well in church!

She just might be the happiest and most entertaining baby I have ever seen. She loves affection and attention and is always making us laugh! She enjoys playing around with sounds that her mouth makes and loves clapping, waving, giving high-fives, and giving big, wet, open mouth kisses! She brightens up everyone’s day she meets with her sweet little personality. I feel so honored to be her favorite person.

She has another tooth popping through, which has been giving her some sleep issues. Overall, she is still sleeping better than in the past, and is finally learning to put herself back to sleep when she wakes up in the middle of the night. Kolton loves cheering her up when she gets upset, and is the very best at making her smile.

Shayne, thank you for making me the luckiest Mommy in the world!



(Some photos courtesy of Jaime Hearts Photography)

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